Tuesday, November 20, 2007

lions for lambs

i have now get to know why this movie...lions for lambs get high profile actress and actors to play their roles in the movie....proud to say they were academy award winners...meryl steep, tom cruise and robert redford as he is also the director of the movie...these stars are selected was understood by me is to strengthen persuasion among the general public...as there were different parties playing different roles...tom as mayor irving...is responsible in US's effort of their project of war on terrorism...irving was trying to justify the reason and excuse on why there is a need for US to fulfill and finish the war against terror...while meryl is playing the role of a senior journalist known as janin...who was writing mostly about irving...about US's effort in the war against terror...how janin had portrayed the news to the public of what exactly did US is doing to promote democracy in countries like ahghanistan and iraq...lastly...robert...he is peofessor who is teaching in a university....he had gone through the vietnam war...he had his views in the war against terror...on how he educate his students...on what is really the real picture that is happening to the world...here comes the synopsis...the story begins with the meeting between irving and janin where irving is giving janin an exclusive interview as a credit of what she had wrote previously about himself...as the interview session goes on...there is another operation was carrying out where soldiers were travelling to a place in order to take down the insurgents in ahghanistan...while another scene is robert counselling his student about his attitude of not attending classes...well...wanna know more about american politics...check out the movie at cinema nationawide,...

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

abolish one sen coin?

suddenly the domestic trade and consumer affairs ministry announced that the country will standardised the usage of one sen coin...saying that it will help the government to save a lot of money in producing one sen coin in the long run...by standardising it....but to me....i was thinking that the government is trying to earn money from the public...in another way...apart from paying taxes to them...by trading business...to earn our hard earned money...to me...we as consumers are always in the loosing party because we are the people who need to eat and live...by implementing this system which is to reduce the usage of one sen...i can't see any benefits to us as the public...here is the standardisation...one and two sens...don't need to pay...while three, four, six and seven sens will be counted as five sens....lastly eight and nine sens will be counted as ten sens...it make it sounds like fair and we as consumers sounds benefited....but who really know the situation?some of the supermarts..they will not borther to return one sen coins to consumers...assuming that the consumers do not want it...therefore...by implementing this standardisation...isn't it also much more encouraged the traders to monopoly the business...to me...this rounding up mechanism did not benefit the public at all....

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

datuk ramli named himself

two weeks ago anti corruption agency head ahmad said had given clues to the public though the media where there will be something big occured by the following week...and guessed what...aca is going to press charges to one of the high ranking police officer allegedly to have owned money beyond the finance of his salary...some english dailies had reported the news by naming the involvement of a high ranking police officer but had never revealed its identity...but out of the sudden...datuk ramli who is Commercial Crimes Investigation Department director had suddenly stood out and announced that he is the high ranking officer who was alleged to have possed money of 25 million which was beyond the earning of his post as the department director...not only he had admitted but he had also accused that aca was being unfair to him..that is they have released the information to the media that he had been charged for the charges...although the papers didn't name him...seriously...i just don't know what is the purpose for him to do so...is it some kind of sacrification for the coming general election which it showed that the government is really doing something to combat corruption?is datuk ramli's move under the direction of the executive?what is the real motive behind it?seriously i don't think it is that neutral that it is just about admitting the charges and faced it...it will not be that simple...

umno general assembly

well...it can be said as a one year aftermath of terrified umno general assembly where last year it had given much fear to the society of non-malays when hishammudin hussein suddenly raised up the malay keris which to non-malays it symbolised power and the emphasis of the special rights of malay people...as well as making controversial remarks which had reflected their eagerness of maintaining their status and special rights...hence...this year which is highly possible that the general election is going to be held by end of this year or early next year..our prime minister and deputy prime minister had kept reminding the delegates to control their emotions and be extra alert and aware of the real situation while they are making remarks during the general assembly...and the prime minister had strongly advise that racist remarks are to be prohibited and one factor that had contributed to last year lost of control of the going assembly was because of the live telecast that had been provided by astro which had caused serious disturbance to the people...therefore there will be no more live telecast provided by any of the tv stations...the deputy prime minister had also urged delegates to discuss topics that were related to all the people and not only about race or other things else...looks like this year will be a safe general assembly i suppose?as what the pm and dpm had voiced out their concerns over the general assembly..but still...let's see whether there will be some climax towards the end of the assembly because we will never know....


it had been a few weeks since i have started working outside (previously was working from home) which is at sin chew media corporation...although it is just about office works...but i did learn a lot...in terms of photos selection...information management....and others...my reporter friends who is working just one floor above myself who is at downstair...appeared to be quite shocked when they saw me working in the resource centre dept...as i was working with malaysiakini previously...back to my work...apart from the things that i have been doing daily...i also got the chance of doling traditional stuffs (which is not about using computer) like cutting and pasting pictures on paper..due to the fact that i have not been doing this kind of stuff for a long time which is ever since my primary school time...i had cut my finger while i was cutting paper...thank goodness my collegues were around...and they have helped me out with my poor little finger...in here..i would like to take a chance to express my gratitude to my boss who is my supervisor who had take care of me ever since i joined them...thanks for the guidance and care that you have given me...even though there is something keep borthering but it is good enough that everyone are nice...

good bye uncle lim

it had been a week after one of malaysia's famour businessman passed away...dr lim gok tong...the creator of genting highlands...who had provided a fun and enjoyable place for the people in malaysia...not only malaysians made their frequent visits to genting but also attracted a lot of tourists to come by this place...for me...this place is as though equivalent to the disneyland....last week...dr lim had passed away peacefully and left millions to his family...as he was once a poor guy who started his business from zero...he had always considered for the poor..he helped people thoughout the world when he had earned much money..as a successful businessman who had started from zero...he understood the difficulty of not having enough money...hence he had always helped those who had got financial problem...however..as he had always being generous but he never publicised his generosity...and yet there are people throughout the world that had come to his funeral to pay their last respect...people that he had given lives to them...gave them hope to survive and live...i believed he had save thousands of people...once again...thanks for the kindness and generosity that you have contributed to malaysia as well as people outside malaysia...you will always be in our heart...out dear dr lim...farewell....

Thursday, November 1, 2007


haha...i am blogging about movie again...well..another fairy tale movie had released in the cinema...stardust...the name it called is special and give people a a feeling of something unexpected....seriously it is kind of unexpected...in terms of role play...characteristics of all the roles...the storyline...throughout the whole show...it just keeping the suspense...like everytime there is a climax...in the movie...the story began where tristan's father(the main character is tristan who is the son) stayed in a rural area namely wall...it was situated in england, london...where this small village stays...here is the amazing part...not far away from the wall...there is a border which is built in stones...where the other side of the stone wall was said to be a path that is connected to the other world where there is a country called stromhold...in stromhold...magical spells can be used and existence of witch and warlords are always there...tristan's father had always wanted to cross the border to find out whether what is at the other side....whether it is the path that can bring him to the other world...and so he had successfully crossed over the border and truly what was being said about was true...and there he met una..tristan's mother...she is a princess of stromhold but was kidnapped by a witch and was cast a spell where una can never leave her unless she is dead...una and tristan's father fall in love and una give birth to tristan...the future king of stromhold...when tristan grew up...he was at first fall in love with a girl namely victoria who lived in the county...but finally he had found his true love who is the shining star..yvainne...the star that had fallen together with the ruby stone where the ruby stone was fallen after a death of a king of stromhold...and whoever will be the future king of stromhold shall light the ruby stone...basically this is the synopsis of the movie...the climax and suspense i can't described to you guys cause only you guys watched it then only you will feel it...so catch the movie at cinema nationawide...you will have a lot of adventures while watching the show...haha

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

MCA event

well...i was attending an event organised by malaysia chinese association (MCA) last saturday at stadium bukit jalil...it was a dinner cum cultural show organised by them...why i was there is because my dad said there is good food and that is why i was there...didn't expect much though...just think that went there to eat cause there is plenty of food...most importantly...didn't expect that this is a propaganda event...where mca took this opportunity to brainwash the chinese community here...imagined ong ka ting had spent an extra 45 minutes to talk about their stand in mothertougue education...how the chinese had struggled to survive in today's economy...what they have done so far to reduce the struggle of the chinese...reminding people what they have done to help chinese people from being marginalised...i was like...hello....this is supposed to be a cultural organised in conjunction of the 50th year of independence of malaysia...how could it be turned out as a propaganda event...by mca?i feel that this isn't right...this is just not the occasion for them to publicise their contributions...to the chinese community...and know what...i must felt that the election is really going to be coming soon...because i can see how desperate mca is...imagined using a cultural event to spread its propaganda...don't you think so?people can really feel its desperation...this cultural event was supposed to be a fun and educating event...and what happened the next day in most of the newspapers?it became headlines of that night's event...what is the main purpose of the whole event?just propaganda?i don't know seriously...

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

bourne ultimatum

the third part of the bourne series...i watch the first and second...and of course i am not going to miss the third part which sounds like an ending episode...which is actually not...the storyline is quite organised and the movie is exciting in terms of stunts and actions...i can say it will never fail the expectation of the people...story continued that jason bourne was still trying to figure out why his girlfriend died as well as some people who were related to him...he had been running throughout the country for the past three years in order to find the truth...on what had happened to him...and why people from the FBI was still chasing after him...what do they really wanted from him...he was confused and he is trying his best to find the answer...finally he managed to get sone signs sort of keys that will lead him to find the answer...from episode one...jason was being chased over by the FBI because he was said to has committed crime of murdering...hence the FBI wanted to prosecute him...however...it was not really that easy...there is something behind the mind of the FBI superior...their purpose is to murder jason and not just to arrest him and keep him in prison...with his death...their secret will never be revealed...as jason found out why people from the FBI was chasing him...he knows that the superior is going to kill him for good...to prevent him from spreading words..or others...and to hide secrets forever...lastly...with the help from pamela or better known as pam...jason had finally managed to put the superiors in court...facing the court and tell exactly what had happened...is jason bourne surviving?catch the movie at cinemas world wide...then you will know...

Sunday, October 21, 2007

my meaning of blogging

i started off to blog when i was in university because that time at uni...seems that everyone got a blog talking about their personal stuffs and interests...it was kind of trend during my time at university where everyone just love to share their feelings and views by writing it out...allowed people to read and understand them further...therefore...i have created one for myself during that time...in university time...my posts are mostly about myself...my friends...my views and interests...as i developed to become an adult...exposing myself to lots of discussions, forums, debates and so on...i started to build my interest towards the interest of the country...as my major is in journalism which is about reporting news...hence...my posts were slowly becoming current affairs...expressing my views and listening to other people's opinion...reading books and magazines to build my own perception and judgement...from personal to public...and now here had became the only place that i can write to because i am no longer a journalist...although i eagerly wanted to be one but i am not qualify yet...as my language was told to be athrocious...in order to practice my writing skills..i will spend more time to write more...next time perhaps some mandarin as well...it had been years since i started blogging...but my blog was seldom to be visited...almost no comments...i moved from one site to other site for three times...and now i am back with blogspot...for those who is reading this site...i will be posting frequent in future...got to sleep...good night everyone...if any...

Saturday, October 20, 2007

former ISA detainee wins case

originally this is a site where i put all my movie reviews on but due to my other site which discussed about current affairs was currently unavailable...hence...i was blogging about this issue in this site...well...first of all...kudos to the former ISA detainee..abdul malik who had win his case yesterday and managed to claim RM250 million ringgit of compensation from the government for wrongfully detained and tortured him during his unconditionally jail term under the internal security act...this is the first case that a former ISA detainee had finally win the case from the government...it is a big victory not only for him but also to the members of public where finally we can see a sense of light from the judiciary board where justice can be brought...and former ISA detainees like hishammudin rais...tian chua can actually consider on taking legal action against the government for their previous arrests...however...i do have my own view upon this winning of malik...let's see...we all know that general election is going to be called soon...either end of this year or beginning of next year...since the controversial lingam tape had further tarnished the independence of the judiciary...making the bar council to repent by walking in a big crowd...just like ambiga said.."when lawyers walked..there is something wrong"...hence...in order to regain the independence of judiciary and gained back the confidence of the public...therefore malik wins his case?well...only god knows the best....is malik's winning is what that had been expected by the government?what do you guys think?is everything that is happening now are all predicted by the government?well...someone tell me please...

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

the seeker: the dark is rising

although it is not what i have expected...and the movie chronology is quite under predicted...but still it turned out to be quite good...overall it is a good story...i get to know some people tend to compared it with the century best movie lord of the rings...of course...both of them can't be compared..because it is two type of different shows...for me...i don't compared it...from the title..it seems to be like a horror movie...well..it is about good and evil...the seeker..who is a 14 year old boy namely will...who is dedicated to the task of saving the world...the story started off with will started to see strange things that are happening to him...while wondering what is happening..will is unaware that his life is already in danger because the dark rider who knew about his existence is coming after him to get the signs and then kill him...not knowing what is happening...his school teacher...ms greythorne then explain his birth and tell him about his destiny...also the dissapearance of his twin brother...tom...besides....will was told about his abilities which will help him to get the signs...the signs that will release the light in order to save the world from the hands of the darkness...besides...will was also told by the dark rider that the dissapearance of his twin brother...tom...was actually captured by the dark rider...hence...now will's pressure is high up...one is to save the world from danger and another is to save his brother from the captivity of the dark rider...will he succeed?will tom manage to return to the family safely?catch the film at cinemas nationwide...

Sunday, October 7, 2007

chuck and larry

most of the people whp watched the preview of this movie had judged it as a comedy because it is just hillarious...but for me...well..i cannot denied the sense of humour in this movie but it somehow also create some realisation to the public about homosexual marriage...or what the term used in the movie as domestic partners....both the main characters, chuck and larry are well known actors in comedian kind of movie...hence...it gave an impression that this movie cannot run away from the hillarious angle....but actually there is meaning between the lines...at least for me..i felt it that way...the storyline is interesting and also educating...both characters played by adam sandler and kevin james...the chronology of the story is well organised...the story started off as chuck and larry are partners in the fire arm rescue team...and soon they have developed their relationship to close friends...larry was once a loving husband until his wife paula passed away...and left him two children...a daughter and a son...he is a commited and responsible man while chuck is the man who always loved to have fun...his nickname mr febuary earned himself a lot of girls staying around him hence he had never thought of settled down...at a time...when chuck and larry were in the task of rescuing people...chuck's life was in danger and larry without much thinking had saved him...therefore chuck had pledged to help larry in whatever form of difficulties...on the other hand...larry was planning an insurance in order to secure the lives of his children because his job has always exposed himself in danger...and in order to secure this policy...larry will have to get married in order to get this right...coincidently...the states now is promoting the policy of domestic partners where homosexual partners can now registered legally and stayed together...as larry come across this news...he had an idea of getting chuck to help him in order to secure the financial assiatance for his children...that is to ask chuck to pretend to be a gay partner with him and married him legally...so...what will happen with the two guys who are actually straight guys...will chuck agree to what larry requested since he had pledged his life for him...will they relationship work and how the public in the show accepted this so-call homosexual couple...catch it then...it is more than hillarious...

Saturday, October 6, 2007

papaya sisters

some of the papers i found had praised this movie which is a product of singapore...i admitted that for some malaysians...product from singapore might be just like another local product...which is always be as bad...well...for me...i think this movie is something unique...it is a musical show..just like hairspray..but the difference here is that the songs sang in the whole movie were mostly hokkien songs where hardly malaysians can understand that dialect...unlike hairspray...although the storyline is quite dull and slow moving...but i still appreciated the effort of the director to produce a musical movie...just like the western countries...at least they have give it a try and hence for this..i think they should be given a loud applause...as to produce a musical base movie required quite a big amount of money and last but not least the talent of people to act and at the same time to sing...where i supposed this is where the place malaysian stars lack off...the story started off with a narrator telling the story behind the happenings...as the movie went on...the narrator explained...the papaya sisters met each other during an open concert held at a football field...from there they get to know each other and decided to become stage singers...for those who know mandarin..it is call 'getaigeshou'...sooner and later...they are famous and during that time..their opponent the 'durian sisters'...was one of the famous group as well...thinking that papaya sisters will steal their fame...they had challenged the papaya sisters to have a competition with them and whoever failed will have to disappear from the stage singer business...with such an attractive offer...papaya sisters took up the challenge..in fact...little papaya was infected by cancer and she can't sustain for long in order to finish the competition...knowing that they will loose the competition...the papaya sisters decided to give their best before departing their beloved stage...will there be any miracle for little papaya?well...watch it to get the answer...

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

knocked up

went for this movie coincidently, the next day is the moocake festival and also known as mid autumn festival...well...actually i have planned to watch it long time ago...so..here it is...it is a pretty simple story and with a pretty organised chronology of the storyline...both of the actor and actress were new celebrities to me...because i have never come across them until this movie...the movie started off with ben who is jobless and just know how to use drugs to keep himself alive and was building up a so-called website where people get the chance to see famous stars go on nude...while alison scott...is a crew member working in a tv station who had a bright future in the tv industry...and soon she is promoted as a VJ for a tv show which will lead to further promotions though..basically we can see these two characters will not bump into each other lives as their lifestyles are totally different...but here it is...ben and alison met up when alison and her sister debbie went for a bar for drink and dance...ben spotted alison and as they chat...they then spent a night together (you know what i mean)....sooner alison found out that she was pregnant after spending the night with ben...not knowing what to do...her sister debbie..suggested alison to make known this occurrence to ben and come out with a solution...as usual...ben was pretty shocked as well..as he did not know this night will cause him responsiblity to bare...for him who lived in US illegally...no job...and no sense of future direction...he had absolutely zero knowledge on what he is supposed to do as alison had pregnant with his kid...alison and ben try to get along...ben try to be a responsible father and also probably a husband...but somehow...it always appeared to be not good enough for alison...will they get together because of the child?will they fall in love at the end?will ben be able to satisfy the needs of alison...check it out at cinema nationwide...

Thursday, September 20, 2007


another musical kind of movie...comedy and somehow also reflected some realistic values...i always love musical movies...overall...the chronology of the story was well organised...songs are nice...singers are great too...if only they get a better version of tracy...i believe this show can be more than a success...my opinion...story started off as tracy is a secondary student who loves to watch corny williams show very much...she dreamt that one day she can act in this particular musical show....everyday...her life is somehow survive to watch this show...one day...there comes the golden chance and help tracy to get the golden ticket to be part of the corny musical show...meanwhile...corny fanous stars...amber and link are the key singers....tracy attended the audition where corny show had opened it for people who are interested to dance in the show...amber and her mother vema appeared to be very unhappy with tracy and chase her away out of the audition...however....her singing skills and dancing talent was discovered by the key singer link...and he wished that tracy can be part of the show because of her dancing skills...and link told tracy to attend a dance where the dancefloor were people who performed in musical shows...and link believed that with tracy's dancing skills at the dancefloor will help her being discovered...finally...tracy was part of the corny show and become a famous star in baltimore...at the same time...there is another musical show that is facing the faith of being scraped...which is the black's show...where this show was to provide chance for black people who can sing and dance to perform in this show...and for the black audience...however...it was facing the faith of being scraped from the station...therefore...tracy come out with an idea that the black performers should join the corny show and dance together...voicing the message of integrated television....where all races can perform together for their audience....and finally the integrated musical show appeared to have earn great ratings...catch this show if you enjoy watching dancing and singing...hehe

Sunday, September 16, 2007

black sheep

i was not thinking of watching this movie..but somehow..i still manage to watch it...well..i can say this movie is quite terrifying...bloody i suppose this word is quite appropriate to be used on describing the chronology of the movie...the story started off with a young boy who is terrified by a dead sheep which used to be his pet...years later...the boy namely henry...finally returned to his farm after he had somehow overcome his phobia to sheeps...without knowing that his brother, angus..was working on a very terrified research in order to make more money...from the sheeps...however...the research seems to turn the attitude of the sheeps where they had become violent and no longer tame anymore..and they bite human...the most terrified part is...whoever the sheeps bite...the human will later turned to goat...at the meantime...a girl named experience and her friend grant...happened to get the news that angus was using sheeps to do research and experience is an environmentalist...who loves the nature...trying to stop angus from what is he doing...but somehow is a bit too late...the sheeps already turned wild..and her friend grant had become the victim...knowing nothing what his brother, angus doing that had made the sheeps turned wild..henry is finding all the possible way to get out of the place together with experience...will they make it...catch it at cinemas nationawide

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


this movie starring award-winner anthony hopkins and new-born star ryan gostling...overall...i can say this movie is quite unpredicted and the movie ending is actually open for imagination and discussion to the audience...the chronology of the movie although is not really organised but it was still manage to be understood...the story started with anthony...who owns a company dealing with planes and married a young wife...and the same time....he discover his wife was having an affair with a police officer...hence he attempted to shot his wife to death...however she was managed to be saved and was in a comma state of mind...while ryan is an attorney to the prosecutor office...who always wins cases and that actually helped him to be spotted by a famous law firm namedly wooton sims...where all the top lawyers were situated there....before his arrival to wooton sims...ryan was required to attend the mention of case for the trial of anthony...and later due to ego and self-confidence...ryan decided to take the case and again try to make it another shining victory before he enters wooton sims proudly...who knows...he had underestimate the old but rich man..anthony who chose to defend himself without any attorney represented him..and ryan just felt that anthony somehow plan the whole thing ever since he shot his wife and until going to jail and waiting for the trial...ryan then loose the case...due to lack of evidence...because the police failed to find the murdered weapon...so..here is the suspense...anthony seems to have manage to be released for the first attempted murder...but will he be getting away always...will ryan manage to put him in jail for what he had done...catch the movie before you guys miss it....

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

the invasion

this movie starring by nicole kidman and the james bond guy who played the casino royale version of james bond...daniel craig..this is a futuristic movie where human is no longer human...although people are in a human form but their mind, attitude, behaviour and personality is no longer human oriented...this form of human was said to have bring peace and harmony to people and there will be no war and quarel in the this human race...the story started with the saying that people were infected by certain kind of virus and these viruses turned out to be some kind of hormon that manage to break through human's neuron system where after they have infected these virus..they will fall asleep and after they have woke up..they will be a different kind of people...people without emotions...and what had made them perfect...at least they claimed to be perfect...in the story..nicole was a phychologist who owned a clinic and gain trust from her clients because of her professionalism...while daniel craig is a medical doctor who later also get transformed...in order to survive...nicole bring his son who happened to be immuned with such kind of virus away from these columny of people who had infected with this virus that was brought by aliens...finally...they were able to survive with the help of doctors who are researching on these kind of virus and they manage to get the vaksin to cure the people is believed to have mix with nicolde's son who is immune with this virus...finally people are people again...actually this show is quite nice...although some people don't like nicole type of acting but somehow i think she is good...so..catch it in cinemas nationwide...

Saturday, September 1, 2007

rogue assassin

although turned out not to be surprising...but still a little bit unpredicted...the chronology of the movie although is a bit messy but overall it can be considered as acceptable..in this movie..jet li who play tom who is originally a cop but later became an assassin..because he wanted to investigate the person who had murdered his family...while jason who is playing john is a cop and partner to tom...and the one who always think that tom is dead and want to revenge for him...and without realising that the person he was following all this while that he thought is rogue was actually tom...who went for a plastic surgery and had a face made over...although not much action was involved as we have watched in jet li's previous movies...for me..it can be consider acceptable...also due to his character and story background of the movie...jet li appeared to be quite relunctant to show his martial art skills...but somehow...the climax of the movie somehow substituted the 'downs' of the whole movie by revealing rogue's real identity who is actually tom...there is one thing that can compliment jet li i think is his english that he had mastered...i think it is a good thing to praise because his english now can at least be understandabled...overall...the movie is quite good and nice...less action packed but good storyline...

Monday, August 27, 2007


this is a taiwanese movie...directed by jay chou...extraordinarily talented and famous artist in the mandarin music industry...he did participate in a few mandarin movies before...but he appeared to be not a very good actor...however...in this movie he directed himself...it turned out to be quite a meaningful movie...seriously...this movie..i can say is based on your imagination to interpret the whole movie...i was watching this movie with a friend of mine and end up both of us got two different versions of interpretation of the movie..and somehow we both find our versions were quite logical...so..i am going to tell you the version that i interpreted it...but this is strictly my own interpretation and imagination...jay is a talented music school student..he competed with a student who is also a talented musician in the school and then he won a music arrangement from the student as a reward...the music arrangement was said to be a piece that is difficult to find it..and the purpose he compete with the musician is because he wanted to give this piece to a student namely 'xiao yu' as a gift to her...and here...they developed their relationship and recognised both of their own feelings...when time was making them feeling happy and wonderful...a terrible experience actually come across them which had made it possible for them to meet...the reason why jay can see xiao yu is because jay is the first person that saw xiao yu after she had come to the world of two decades later...she had said to had travel across time after she had played the music arrangement namely 'secret'...which had brought her to 20 years later...due to some misunderstanding...xiao yu felt betrayed by jay and returned back to her era and jay did not see her since then....unfortunately when jay finally see her....xiao yu's asthma disease had attacked her once again...and she is fainted...then jay decided to travel across the time and back to 20 years before his time...finally he managed to see xiao yu again and decided to get to know her better...by the way..the sound track is nice...hehe

Saturday, August 25, 2007

perfect strangers

originally..i was planning to watch 'secret' starring by jay chou as well as director of the movie...however..i have make my choice to watch perfect strangers starring by halle berry and bruce willis...as usual...this movie did not disappoint me though...the ending is totally out of expectation and the chronology is organised and yet surprising...rowena (halle berry) is an investigative journalist...she had just break a story of a mayor's scandal case...however it was not published and later a friend of hers named grace had hinted her a new investigative story to follow which involved an advertising executive known as harrison (bruce willis) who had frequently involved in sex scandals...as well as online sex...later grace suddenly found dead after talking to rowena...hence...rowena decided to go undercover in harrison's company and start her investigation...together who is involved in the investigation...known as miles...who is a computer genius...as rowena come nearer to harrison...she then found out that he had frequently involved in online sex scandals...and had a lot of relationships..he was also later found that he is involved in the murder of grace and was found guilty in court....now..here is the climax...who is grace's killer..you will be amazed...who actually come out with the truth and what actually happened...about this...you guys will have to watch it in order to know the ending...hehehehehe

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

flash point

although it is kind of 'accident' for me to watch this movie...but i find it quite interesting...since jackie chan now is getting older and cannot manage to do much stunts as before when he was young while jet li always had rumours that he will stop acting anytime...hence among the chinese actors who are involved in action packed movie are becoming lesser and lesser...so...donnie yen somehow appeared to be a hope for people to continue watching real chinese martial arts...wushu..i admitted that donnie might not be as good as jackie (in terms of story line and stunts) and jet (in terms of martial art styles)..but at least...people still get the chance to watch the action of chinese martial arts where it can hardly watched in english movies...yeah...before forgetting...here is a brief review of the show.....donnie is a hong kong inspector who always believed in arresting criminals using the 'hard way'....where he believed that these criminals will only be stopped if they were blasted terribly...also starring louis koo..appeared to be a spy of the police who was doing undercover in the biggest chinese mafia gang...louis and donnie were partners whereby they coorperate to arrest the biggest chinese mafia gang in hong kong...whereby these people in the gang were from vietnam and once they arrived hong kong...they claimed to suffer much in the detention camp and by all means they managed to get out of the camp and finally end up involving in illegal activities..well...that's aboout it...although the fights appeared to be quite violent....but overall..i think is quite ok...so...anyone like action pack movied...this is the movie you don't want to miss....

Saturday, August 18, 2007


this is a two hour pixar cartoon show....surprisingly..it is kind of fresh and good..i mean the idea of the story...a rat who can cook..quite amazing...it had been a long time since i went to cinema to watch cartoon show...but this movie actually attracted my attention...not that fantastic but the chronology and storyline is good...talk about the cooperation between human and rats....interesting...the story starts on remy...the rat who like to do numerous kind of human activities like watching tv..reading and cooking...and one more thing...he likes to walk in only two feets..just like human...remy who enjoyed cooking a lot..finally find himself lost after a thunder storm attack his colony...his family missed him and end up alone in a drain where paris is above his head...by coincident...remy actually helped the new garbage boy who was hired in gusteur restaurant...once a famous restaurant but later due to the death of the famous cook...the restaurant's business then getting bad...garbage boy named linguini..who is every interested to be a cook however he is not talented...he tried to cook the soup but turned out to be a disaster..but guess what..remy actually help to save his day where remy helped linguini to spice up the soup and finally make it delicious...most importantly...linguini's soup turned out to be the favourite of the customers and also due to this reason that the chief chef was unable to fire him...will linguini be successful with the help of remy?will they stayed as friends forever without considering their differences as human and rat?catch this show and you guys will enjoy it...hehe

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

rush hour 3

again...chris tucker is the joker while jackie remain the serious hong kong detective who is now the bodyguard of the ambassador...this time...the target of this episode of rush hour remained on the ambassador and his daughter...suu young...we used to see soo young in the first episode was still a little girl..but here...she had already grown up to become a young lady...good in martial arts too....while...what is the purpose of chris tucket's presence?for fun?making the storyline more interesting?haha..he actually had quite a crucial role though...who is the one who actually save suu young...and found out who is behind this big plan of get rid of the ambassador and his daughter...and in this episode..chris seems to learn quite a lot of knowledge about chinese and chinese culture...his chinese martial arts seems to have improved a lot...while jackie..known as lee in the movie...did not play much of martial arts though due to his age but still the chronology of the show is not bad...nice, simple and interesting...well..but not in terms of martial arts...although we used to see much stunt in jackie's movie...but this time...the stunts in this episode can be said to be lesser than the episodes before...but i can say the storyline managed to cover it though...for me...the movie in overall is quite nice...not bad though...so catch it before it is too late...guys!!!!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

rise of the blood hunter

basically..this show...i did not plan to watch it but out of coincident...i went for it...due to the strong attachment towards its title of the movie...well..it is kind of expected but somehow it appeared not to be very good...as i imagined...as i watch the chronology of the story...it is somehow quite messy of the sequence of the whole story...somehow difficult to understand as well...the movie started off with sadie blake (played by lucy liu) paid the prostitute with a lum sum of money in order to bring her home...thinking that sadie must be extraordinary that she is interested in a woman...but actually there is something behind the purpose of bringing her 'home'...the prostitute was someone's enemy and in order for sadie to find the one enemy she had...she need to know the location of the real enemy...who is known as bishop....and the man who asked for the prostitute will be able to tell her exactly where the bishop stayed..sadie was once a news reporter...she got a mother and sister and she is a happy and hopeful person...why she was then turned to be a killer...everything started off with her article talking about rock music...she interviewed a girl who eventually turned out to be a victim of killers and also known as 'vampires' because they kill to drink human's blood...for those who like trailer and adventure...you guys definitely do not want to miss this show....


yeah....again this is august movie review...disturbia...the main character was cast by the main character of the transformers too...although i still can't remember his real name...but i do feel amaze with his acting skills and ability...the main character in disturbia..known as kale in the show was originally a happy and hopeful kid...with a dad who is a writer and a beautiful mother..kale just had a perfect family...but everything changed his life after his father's death in a car accident...later he was grounded to a house arrest due to his act of punching his spanish teacher...and during his house arrest...he found out a pretty girl who was came from the city and trying to adapt to the life in the small town...the pretty girl ashley...always had problems with her parents...and therefore...she always spent her time herself by reading and swimming...kale found out all these activities which were done by his neighbours using a far sighted mirror...and the same equipment was used as well to spy on a middle age man john turner who appeared to be a serial killer...from then onwards...kale's house arrest period is never be the same boring and uninteresting house arrest but rather become dangerous and harmful...at the same time...as ashley was paying him a few visits and found out about his spying activities...she too join in the inspection...while kale..as he continued his mysterious spying activities...his mother was socialising with john turner who is the serial killer...will kale's mom survive?will kale know about john turner before his mother become the next murdered victim?check it out now before you miss it....

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

harry potter and the order of phoenix

although quite a lot of people seems to condemn this episode of harry potter, claimed that there is noa ction pack, too much talking throughout the movie...well..for me, i think this episode is quite reasonable with all the talkings because this it the time where the scenario need to be explained...like why harry's parents were dead...the darklord is returning to harm the world...etc..i think all these scenarios need to be explained..and that is why this episode is full of talkings in order to explain things....apart from it...in my opinion...this episode is to neutralise the next episode because i believe the next episode will be full of fighting scenes and perhaps don't even have time to explain things that are happening...overall...i think this movie is reasonable and quite good in that sense...it explained things...not just by action...well...the show started off by harry was attacked by some kind of demons...there is a name for it...but i forgotten...and due to the spell that harry used to chase away the demons and kill them...he was said to have commit an offence which is using magic that is not suitable to his age...hence a hearing was held on harry's case...finally the court had decided that harry will be dismissed from his charges...later it is about the management of hogwart school where professor dumbledore was demanded to stay away from the administrations of the school..where the ministry of magic will take the administration power to educate the students in a 'proper way'...therefore..the administration was taken over by the secretary of the ministry..known as umbridge and set all kinds of rules to prohibit the students from using their magical spell...at the same time...the ministry also denied the return of the darklord and refused to allow the students of hogwart school to practice their magic spells in order to know how to fight against the darklord....while harry finally find out a secret door where he found his prophecy in future where he will create history in the world...in between the story goes...there is some romance between harry and cho...his girlfriend....so..let's wait for the final episode...

Friday, July 20, 2007


This show starring Luke Wilson and Kate Beckinsale who planned to divorce due to the failure of satisfying each other, however this time they will have to cooperate in order to survive for their lives.

David (Luke) was driving in the middle of the night going home which is in town, due to the heavy traffic in the highways linking the states; David decided to take a short cut to avoid the jam.

On the way, Amy (Kate) was slept while David was driving, when she was awaked, she found herself out of no where and David’s car was broke down.

They then tried to fix the car and hopefully get back to the right track and reach home safely, however the good faith is not with them.

Wondering whether it is lucky or not, they found someone who had a garage and hoping that there is a mechanic that can help them to fix the car, the mechanic who turned out later to be one of killer.

Since David and Amy were exhausted, David made up his mind to spend a night in a motel nearby the garage which later caused their lives for it.

Throughout the night, they were being disturbed and later they found out murders were carried out in the motel through a series of tapes where David found it near the tape recorder.

They tried to get help in several ways and several times however they failed and they realized what they can do now is to survive till day break and probably can get some help when dawn comes.

In this situation, although Amy and David have indifferences between themselves but still when come to emergency and lives surviving, humans will still stick together to figure out the way to survive.

At the end of the show, although the chronology of the show was quite frightening but still this experience had actually hold back the ties of this couple, this is to my interpretation of the show, different people might have different interpretation.

In whole, the show cannot be denied that it is terribly frightening but still the level of fear was still manageable.

Nevertheless, the show seems to be like a budget-oriented move but there were write-ups said that the scene and the arrangement of characters were specially designed and created.

Friday, July 6, 2007

die hard four

Die hard four is an action-pack movie, as usual, there is always a hero when it comes to this kind of movie, seriously, for myself, I think it is a bit faked, not about bruce wills acting but is the antogonist character...Bruce wills who played john mclaine, is a senior detective, got his life ruined, marriage unsuccessful and the daughter refused to listen to him, to him..this is the life of a police...The story started with john got an order from his superior asking him to travel to Corden and arrest a computer hacker known as mathew farell, who is involved in a computer programme process.But one thing, mathew was unaware is, the programme he wrote was used to plan a horrible cyber terror attack and mathew is going to loose his life for just some kind of ‘fun’ that he wanted.The planner of the cyber terror attack was launched by one of the computer expert who previously served the United Stated defense ministry who known as thomas gabriel.At the same time, thomas was also making used of several computer hackers to help him in succeeding on slamming the federal government’s network.Meanwhile, john was told to bring mathew to the FBI’s office in order to get him testified and find out what is supposed to happen...however, the FBI head, known as bowman did not utilise this information.Knowing the situation, john then bring together with mathew trying to search for solutions in order to end this cyber crisis.Without forgetting..of course on john’s way started from the arrest of mathew...he faced much attacks and challenges that posed to him by thomas as well as to claim mathew’s life.Realising that bowman did not seek the advice from mathew..and also as thomas had kidnaped his daughter hence..john decided to go on action himself and for thomas, john had claimed john that he had made the matter as personal.Well..of course..all hero and heroine movies will end up successfully saving the world and the country..so do john...he had successfully resolved the crisis.Nevertheless, I did feel that the movie somehow portrayed bruce as an unbeatable cop where he is always on the winning side...no matter how many antogonist character tried to bring him down, they will just failed.Until then, shall blog again..

Friday, June 29, 2007


let's see...transformers...this movie had been a long waited movie for transformers' fans...all this while..the fans had always watch the comic and cartoon version of transformers...so..what do you think about it when it comes to be produced into real people show...where transformers actually come alive..another master piece by steven spieldberg...and directed by michael bay...overall..it is really nice and the story line is well organised....somehow it can be said to be up to the expectation...well...steven never failed his fans..won't he?however..i still feel it can be more exciting...in terms of the fighting scenes between the good and bad transformers...the story begin with sam witwick..i wonder i spell it right...because throughout the whole show..most of the characters actually make fun of sam's surname...well...sam's great grandfather is actually the scientist..i think..who first discovered the first human machine...who was appeared to be on the leader of the evil side transformers...which was named megatron...megatron had been frozen and waiting for its troops to come and take over the human realm...as the story developed...the evil side of transformers were gathered and attacked human beings...however...there are still have transformers who aimed to protect the human realm because they think although the current generation of human realm had no hope but they found hope lay on the younger generation that is from the people like sam..hence..the good transformers which lead by leader known as optimum prime...decided to give a chance to the younger generation...well..the story is that's about it...well..actually there are certain parts that are hard to be convinced...like the evil transformer troops were keep doubling while the good ones were on remain the few of them..and yet...the good manage to defeat the evil..with the help of the human...sam witwick...this sounds not really cool...

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

fantastic four

well..i thought it could be fantastic since it was named 'fantastic four'..however...it was not really that fantastic...because it was just another kind of superhero movie...typical converted comic version...nevertheless...the storyline appeared to be quite unique...caused it was not like the good against the bad...although it is still about heros saving the world...but the chronology appeared to be special..where silver surfer was not really a bad character...the story started with mr fantastic preparing his century wedding with his beloved hallow lady..susan...during their preparation for the wedding...the silver surfer appeared and harming the lives of the human beings throughout the world...this is because wherever he went around the countries..the people will die and the place will turn into iceberg...hence..US jeneral hadgers ordered mr fantastic to create some kind of technology in order to trace the surfer and can then defeat and take him down...but then...mr fantastic was preparing his wedding with susan...and how he managed to get the time to create this technology...although he somehow did not agree to the jeneral but still...he had make his effort to create this technology...but here is the worst thing..mr fantastic was to launch the machine on the day of his wedding...and due to the machine...the wedding was ended up like a chaos...and susan become the saviour of the day...why she became the saviour of the day...catch the movie then you will know...and victor was alive!!!well...you guys will know how to watch this movie..right..apart from going to the cinema...haha

Friday, June 15, 2007

200 pounds beauty

haha...is me blogging about movie again in here...well..i can say this show is totally out of my expectation...thought that it might be another budget korean show but who knows it end up quite contented...i mean myself quite contented and the storyline was quite good and complete as well...originally it might just be another fat woman success story in loosing her weight and win the heart of the man she loves...but it turned out to be quite different as i thought...the movie starts off by narrating the fat girl..whose name is kang han na..got the voice of a professional singer...however with her appearance and figure...she can only be a backup singer rather than a real singer who can sing on the stage...why she was willing to become a backup singer is mostly because she is in love with the music producer who works in the music company and the one who manage the 'singer' who actually can't sing...the music producer is treating her very good and nice until one day she overheard the conversation between the 'singer' and the music producer about her..that her existence and survival in the company is for the sake of the 'singer'..therefore...han na changed her mind and decided to undergo plastic surgery to change the whole image and appearance of hers...and after the surgery..she is a beautiful and gorgeous lady that men had always wanted...due to her make over...the 'singer' failed to produce her album and the company was in deep trouble and they need to find a back up singer for her as soon as possible...hence....the music company had organised an audition to choose who can sing on her behalf...so...han na make a return to the company by using the identity of jenny...although she had an makeover in her appearance but her voice is still han na's voice and therefore...she had been selected by the company to become a singer this time and not a backup singer...well..it is a happy ending..you guys out there....watch this show before it is too late...it is really a great show..happy watching lol...haha

Sunday, June 10, 2007

the last mizzy

i went to watch 'the last mizzy' last week...the movie is pretty cool or i can say something different from a children movie...the approach is more towards futuristic and it actually helped children to open up their imagination...the movie is about two young children discovered something from the outer space when they went for playing in the beach...the little girl..found a doll and named her as 'mizzy' while the girl's brother who was only older than him maybe three years old..i supposed...found a few stones that can flow together automatically..and apart from these two stuffs...there is a book...a scientific book where it taught all kinds of science theory and to make scientific stuffs...due to the encounter...the boy was then discovered his talent in science and started to come out with extraordinary invention due to the inspiration of the book...his science teacher...was quite amazed by what he can do because his performance in science was quite normal all this while and he couldn't believe that this kid can become such an excellent genius in science...while came back about the little girl...the soft toy she held all the time where she named it mizzy...she claimed that the toy was communicating with her and wished that mizzy's message can help to pass to the public through the little girl about what is going to happen in future...as the little girl comminicated to mizzy...herself gain extraordinary powers where she had the ability to flow in the air...what actually these two young children encounter and what they will face after given the ability by the stuffs they got in the sea...haha...let's bring your kids or yourself to watch the ending...

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

teluk intan should be brought to media spotlight

finally..i have finished travelling to kuala selangor and teluk intan..well..the trip to teluk intan was quite fruitful..at least it is better than the one at kuala selangor..i have brought many stuffs from teluk intan..and the most memorable experience is i visited the 'pisa' tower there..well..it is better known as the leaning tower of malaysia...although there is nothing special about the city..i can say it is a city because all the shops were satuated nearby and the people there..the majority of people there is chinese and they are extremely hospitable and friendly..it is so much different from the chinese in kuala lumpur...they can just be as friendly like you are friends of them for more than 20 years but in fact you just get to know them yesterday...seriously..teluk intan is a lovely city..the stuffs there were cheap...food is nice and cheap some more..i was shopping like mad there...but there is one thing to my surprise...this kind of hospitable and friendly attitude adopted by the people here did not even highlight by the media...whereas this year of 2007 is a visit malaysia year..this such a great city..i don't understand that why the tourism board did not pay attention to?and i can't imagine as teluk intan is a beautiful place but it was not promoted as one of the tourist attraction places..i just don't get it..i am sure if teluk intan was brought to the media spotlight...for sure foreigners will want to see another version of pisa tower and they will be amazed by the warmness of the residents here and of course they will visit malaysia again..isn't it a good opportunity for the country to boost the tourism industry by exposing teluk intan to the foreigners?well..i just don't get it...anyway...it had been a wonderful trip for me..haha

Monday, May 21, 2007

new job

i am now working as a research assistant now after i have ended my one-year working journey as a journalist in malaysiakini...i am now attached to a professor from finland to work on a project namely cultural diversity in malaysia....the survey locations that had been chosen to fulfill the research method were kuala selangor and teluk intan...i have just came back from kuala selangor where theere were 70 questionnaires were finished...well...seriously...i did not really enjoy this job...because it was not really what i have expected...and i really miss reporting....i miss wearing professional wear...i miss meeting big shots....i miss interviewing people...oh...i really miss all these...while my job now...although get the chance to meet people and ask them questions and sounds professional but dealing with the professor is really not a good task...somehow like quite feared of him...the feeling is just like it is more than boss and worker...that make me feel uncomefortable...before working in this line...i have thought of asking him to help me on the process of studying master in his university...but now i have decided not to do so because i think is better for me to try myself on my own to get a place in any unis...for my master...i hope that these six months job will end smoothly and i shall continue looking for journalist job opportunities...that's all for now...until then i shall blog again...tomorrow heading to teluk intan...all the best for me...everyone...

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

journalism training programme one year anniversary

i always read my emails everyday and always wish to keep in touch with everyone that have come across my life...well..as an outgoing person...as usual i like to meet different kind of people...and due to my outgoing personality...i participated the journalism training programme organised by SEACEM last year...and due to my outspoken character...i was selected into an internship programme and become a journalist for one year...and time flew...my internship had just over one week ago...of course during the training...i met plenty of people who have got different background...and i know them well...they are all nice people...but just don't know why...these few days got their emails asking about each other..how is everyone doing...etc...surprisingly i was relunctant to reply them...just don't know why got this kind of feeling...is this bad or good...am i running from something...or rather i was embarassed to tell them that i did not survive in mkini...seriously...i really miss reporting very much...when talking to reporters friends in msn who are in duty of reporting for parliament session...really envy them and can't believe that my reporting job...just over like that...well...never mind lah...just give more effort in this researcher job..hopefully i can go overseas and work....haha...everyday will be a better day...i believe so...

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

spiderman 3

haha...finally i have the time to blog about movies again, although this site is kind of private for me..haha..because i did not publicise it or tell anybody about it...so..i assume it is private...erm..yeah...spiderman 3...no doubt it is a good movie...a two and a half hour show did not waste your effort of sitting in the cinema to do nothing but to watch the show...i can say this movie is a worth to watch movie and overall i shall grade this movie as good...in terms of action pack...romance...production of the movie...structure of the story...well...it was well-organised...the story line began with the flash back of part one and two of spiderman and how it develop until the part three of the story....peter parker who is now the hero of the city...the public's favourite saviour and peter will be getting married with his belived girl friend...marryjane...in short MJ...MJ was a broadway singer but due to some negative reports on her first performance in broadway...for not performing well...she was fired and at the same time..peter was influenced by some kind of genetic element which is black in colour...something that crawl...and peter was influence by the genetic which later turned him into violent and resulted his character change...however...everything will be fine until the end of the story..want to know the climax?...catch it now at cinemas nationwide....

Monday, April 30, 2007

mkini...see ya

finally...one year had passed...my contract with mkini is finished...another chapter of working life had finished and another new chapter is yet to begin...haha...a 23-year-old me..start another brand new life again...well..job in mkini truly enjoyable although it is quite tired but i enjoyed myself very much..meeting different kind of people...ngos...listening to the grouses of the unfortunate...realising the situation that was faced by the opposition parties...crimes that end up in court...protests...and many more...as journalist in mkini...you must not only versatile but also hardworking...and brave to face challenges...why i say so because mkini journalist will always had the risk to face law suit...haha...for me...i am lucky and i only do simple stories...so..not much responsibility carried...well...for now...this is what i want to say...until then...shall blog again....

Saturday, April 28, 2007

an inconvenient truth

well...well...well...i used to start off my blog using this tune...i find myself be able to blog again where i will not be afraid that in future there is someone said that some information shouldn't be revealed and some arguments that might be offended people...yeah...an ex-collegue of mine...used to reprimand me for using (...)well..who cares now...i will use whatever i feel like it...yeah...my title of this blog...an inconvenient truth...why it sounded like a pseudonym..or rather reflected something bad behind this words....actually my purpose of putting this title was that...this is the last assignment that was being assigned to me for the last day of job...it was a rentakini assignment where i need to watch the movie and write about it...this movie was a movie about global warming...where it was produced using a seminar format as well as some flashbacks from the main character himself...although it was quite boring throughout the show but if only you can bare with it and you are a knowledge lover..i bet you should enjoy this movie because this movie is about information...what happening in the world...why is it happening...and why should people care about it...yeah..before forgeting to compliment TGV KLCC...seriously their size of popcorn was rather big and the popcorn was amazing..i mean it tastes amazing...i think it could be more expensive then the GSC mid valley...but seriously...it was really nice...well..that's all for now...until then...i shall write again...

Saturday, February 24, 2007

music and lyrics...

my relative who pay a visit to my family recently during chinese new year....said that the movie star by hugh grant and drew barrymoore which is music and lyrics is a much better movie compared with the holiday which is star by kate winslet and cameron diaz...while for me...i don't think so...because i find the holiday is much better because is much different than a normal romance movie in which it talk about more than love...while music and lyrics...i find that is quite common compared to the holiday...therefore...sometimes i think...when you watch movies...you shouldn't be comparing because each movie got its own significance...so...it might not be fair to compare movies although they might have some similiar elements carried by both the movies...by the way...about music and lyrics...hugh grant is a singer from a band group but the band was later dismiss and therefore...hugh grant had no platform to hold concerts...i mean big concerts...so..hugh grant is trying to revive himself as a famous star after the band was dismiss...therefore...he invited drew barrymoore who is his housekeeper to become his lyrics writer because he found out that this lady is very talented in making words and sentences easily...as they had progressed to write the song...both of them then fall for each other...and...if you guys interested..can go for this movie...and it was a happy ending...haha

Monday, February 19, 2007

happy chinese new year

happy chinese new year...everyone...sorry for the late greetings if anyone is reading this new blog of mine....well...first day on chinese new year..my relative from bentong pay us a visit...and she was chatting with my family about the job market out there...what are the attitude of today's graduants...how they behave themselves....uhhhhh...boring stuff....however...i still manage to find out something from this family...that is 'music and lyrics' is very nice and romantic...haha....so...not a wrong choice to pick this movie too...because i love romance...haha...cool...well...about yesterday...we plan to go for movie..'the lady iron chef' and 'twins mission'...who knows the tickets are all sold off and the worst thing is....on the timing board for movies....they did not put that the movie seats were sold off...but still remained available status....this is misleading....don't you guys agreed?so...we actually end up going for shopping...nevetheless...i did not buy anything...haha...well...just treat it as window shopping...

Saturday, February 17, 2007

blood diamond

long time ago would like to blog about this movie but somehow....just don't have the time to do so because one word LAZY to tell the story...however i have make up my mind to talk about this movie although it is quite late but still would like to tell you guys out there about it...this movie was stared by leonardo dicaprio who played the role as a diamond smuglar who often transported illegal diamonds from africa countries to the united states...nevertheless he had decided not to continue on this profession and had helped one of the victim...who is also one of the main character (sorry i forgotten his name), a black guy who had found a 'pink' diamond...was later assisted by leonardo to escape from a slavery life of searching diamond...while another character that is vital for us to know is a journalist played by jennifer conelly...who aimed to report the truth of what is exactly happening in this poor gazetted area where people were dying to search for the diamonds while there were people who treat these diamonds as their luxury items....although i was not quite satisfied with the ending of the movie however..i did learn something that is things we owned might have caused someone lives' for it....

Friday, February 16, 2007

the epoch times

i was on the way to work and i get a free copy of newspaper namely ‘the epoch times’…i wonder where this newspaper come from whether it is a foreign newspaper that based in malaysia or a local newspaper that was funded by foreign countries…about this…i have no idea, as i flipped through the pages which are only four pages…yeah…forgotten everyone…this paper is in tabloid size…so it somehow make it convenient for you to hold…the articles included one from malaysia…one from korea….one from the US..and one from China…basically the articles are more on feature type rather than news…and there are cultural kind of feature article as well…basically…the paper is quite good in which quite compact with information…although the paper is in tabloid size…by the way….for those who would like to subscribe…the subscription fee is RM12 for 10 issues and please send your subscription fee to P.O. Box 225, 41670 Klang, Selangor, Malaysia or fax to (603) 92831722…for cheque or money order…made payable to Epoch Times Publishing….well..i will be making a subscription….wanna join me?hahahahaha

the holiday

this movie is nice and cool….that you guys don’t really want to miss it…it is a must watch movie if you are in a relationship because it is seriously romantic….sure you and your partner will have a good time…what i mean good time is you can get some tips how to be more romantic with your partner as you watch this movie…hahaha…this movie stars by cameron diaz..my all-time favourite celebrity…and kate winslet…the romantic titanic female main character….each of them met their mr right when they are on an ‘exchange house’ programme when cameron and kate exchange their living places just to get rid from their normal live…who knows their mr right were just there waiting for them…how sweet….catch it before it is too late…that’s all for now…remember to watch it….haha

mystical steppes

the title above is not in wrong spelling but is the original name of the show…this is a drama held at kuala lumpur convention centre, plenary hall in which it talk about the olden days of xijiang…where it narrated about how people lived and what they do during their daily lives in the olden days…the hosts were angeline tan…an actress of tri-lingual…another one is a host from xijiang…namely..if i am not mistaken..probably be mahmud…i thought he is a malay and could be speaking in english…who knows…he surprised me with a fluent speaking of mandarin!!!!!!…wow…really marvellous…well…throughout the show…i did enjoy myself because of a special someone who accompanied to watch the whole show…the dancers were gorgeous and their costumes were amazing…seriously…i really enjoy the show and have a good time there…

bloggers united

one of the mainstream media…NSTP…had filed a law suit against the famous bloggers…jeff ooi screenshots and another blogger namely ahiruddin’s rocky bru..for defamation….so..bloggers out there beware and be careful…especially those that carried critical posts and was visited by tonnes of readers…if your blog was not frequently visited by readers…i think it shouldn’t be a problem from being critical…however…if your blog is famous and readers actually depending on your blog to get the ‘true’ story out of the mainstream media…therefore…these bloggers(apart from ahiruddin and jeff ooi) must always be careful…because anytime…it can reach to you…once the government found your site has some kind of influential power…well..thinking back of the past…during tun mahathir’s administration…where he pledged that the government will not impose any censorship against the internet…in order to attract more foreign investments into the country…however, looks like this time…the government (although the party suing is the print media NSTP…but is a media company that owned by the government) will have to break their pledge becauase they found somehow…the bloggers got some power to influence people’s opinion…therefore..in order to precent this to continue happen….NSTP actually filed a suit to charge against the bloggers…which is i think to indirectly warned the other bloggers who carried posts similar to them…so…let’s see who will win…haha…

no bail out for abdul razak baginda

actually i don’t know what to say about him…my feelings tell me that he is pityful but his comments in the star yesterday…really showed that he actually involved in the whole thing…however…this is only my thinking and opinion…the judge will still need to refer on the valid evidence and the arguments from the lawyers…although i feel pityful for the daugther and himself…but about the wife also the mother…i simply don’t sympatised her because of her unreasonable words thrown to media…although not the journalists but photo journalists…still she did not understand that taking pictures of her husband was just merely doing their job…not that they simply took the photos for fun or to embarass her husband…but just do according to their profession…but still..i wish him all the best and good luck for him…haizzzzzz

batu talam by-election

since the opposition is boycotting the election…at least DAP and PAS were boycotting…given the reasons that the election had not been fair all this while and what more…election commission chairperson also admit that there is something wrong with the way EC had been working on…so..the opposition parties are now requesting for electoral reforms if not they will be going to boycott even in coming general elections knowing that they are not going to win with these unfair elections provisions….while the chairperson himself is trying to push the government to give a clear stand to EC so that EC can really be independent…and got the enforcement powers…so..meanwhile, let’s see if there is any surprises from the batu talam by-election..and will opposition parties will actually forego their opportunity to compete with the government based political parties…if there will be no electoral reform?well…great things are happening this year in the visit malaysia year…people

beginning of working

after one week of editorial shutdown period..finally was back to work…on the beginning of the week…yeah..i was back to work on jan 3..which is a wednesday….already got court cases on my hand…but actually i was rather glad to have assignment on hand because i am scare to stay in office…and even fear of doing follow ups…because this really need a lot of time…especially if your sources were not responding you…well…staying in office…some people think that it is good…because don’t need to work….so can have a relax working day…don’t know why…for me..i can’t..i must find something to do…if i can’t work it out…it is like some sort of pressure coming out from me…and sounds echoeing like ‘today you haven’t done anything’…so sometimes…i rather i got fix assignment to follow…so…that’s about it…well…getting back to work wasn’t a tough time…because reporting work is still my beloved job…so..i am excited when get back to work…apart from that…my beloved cousin had gone back to germany safely…however, caught a little bit of fever when return to germany…maybe because she caught a cold in malaysia’s airport because of the cold air cond…that’s all for now..till write again…

altantuya shariibu

haha…don’t know what method that the malaysian government had used to persuade the mongolian government that the case can delay until next year march…i was just wondering…why do the mongolian government or the embassy can tolerate for such a long time…well…although that day i was not there…but through my court friends and news in tv..i can say abdul razak was deifinitely look very stress out..and i pity him also….he was such a prominent person and yet was being accused of such allegations…therefore…i can understand the feelings of the wife…who acted so aggressively towards photo journalists…however, i don’t agree that the wife should put the blame on the photo journalists…because they are just doing their job as to snap pictures of the suspects as well as the victims…not that they like to snap his photos…but is because of work…while her daughter…i felt pityful for her because as a daugther of such an influential person…there must certain level of pressure…and now being a suspect…the daugther will feel more pressure than usual…so…in here…i would wish good luck to the family and let’s hope everything ends well….

the guardian

an amazing movie of saviour for human beings that i have ever watched…and i supposed…at least in my eyes…i think it ended well…the story is about united states coast guards were always the one out there during sea disasters…floods…etc….to try their very best to save innocent people who were victims of those disasters…they fought it bravely…with their theme ‘live to save others’ in continuing on saving lives…a very dedicated coast guard…ben..played by kevin costner…who had save numerous amount of people but failed to save 22 persons in his career as coast guard for more than 20 years…decided to change his job because he failed to save his best friend cum team mate..hence..he thinks himself was no longer fit to be a coast guard anymore….however, he do help to train up someone like him who is called fisher…a young and egoistic young swimmer…and fisher become one of the best and dedicated coast guard after being advised and trained by ben as a professional coast guard…
