Wednesday, October 24, 2007

bourne ultimatum

the third part of the bourne series...i watch the first and second...and of course i am not going to miss the third part which sounds like an ending episode...which is actually not...the storyline is quite organised and the movie is exciting in terms of stunts and actions...i can say it will never fail the expectation of the people...story continued that jason bourne was still trying to figure out why his girlfriend died as well as some people who were related to him...he had been running throughout the country for the past three years in order to find the truth...on what had happened to him...and why people from the FBI was still chasing after him...what do they really wanted from him...he was confused and he is trying his best to find the answer...finally he managed to get sone signs sort of keys that will lead him to find the answer...from episode one...jason was being chased over by the FBI because he was said to has committed crime of murdering...hence the FBI wanted to prosecute was not really that easy...there is something behind the mind of the FBI superior...their purpose is to murder jason and not just to arrest him and keep him in prison...with his death...their secret will never be jason found out why people from the FBI was chasing him...he knows that the superior is going to kill him for prevent him from spreading words..or others...and to hide secrets forever...lastly...with the help from pamela or better known as pam...jason had finally managed to put the superiors in court...facing the court and tell exactly what had jason bourne surviving?catch the movie at cinemas world wide...then you will know...

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