Sunday, October 7, 2007

chuck and larry

most of the people whp watched the preview of this movie had judged it as a comedy because it is just hillarious...but for me...well..i cannot denied the sense of humour in this movie but it somehow also create some realisation to the public about homosexual marriage...or what the term used in the movie as domestic partners....both the main characters, chuck and larry are well known actors in comedian kind of gave an impression that this movie cannot run away from the hillarious angle....but actually there is meaning between the least for me..i felt it that way...the storyline is interesting and also educating...both characters played by adam sandler and kevin james...the chronology of the story is well organised...the story started off as chuck and larry are partners in the fire arm rescue team...and soon they have developed their relationship to close friends...larry was once a loving husband until his wife paula passed away...and left him two children...a daughter and a son...he is a commited and responsible man while chuck is the man who always loved to have fun...his nickname mr febuary earned himself a lot of girls staying around him hence he had never thought of settled a time...when chuck and larry were in the task of rescuing people...chuck's life was in danger and larry without much thinking had saved him...therefore chuck had pledged to help larry in whatever form of difficulties...on the other hand...larry was planning an insurance in order to secure the lives of his children because his job has always exposed himself in danger...and in order to secure this policy...larry will have to get married in order to get this right...coincidently...the states now is promoting the policy of domestic partners where homosexual partners can now registered legally and stayed larry come across this news...he had an idea of getting chuck to help him in order to secure the financial assiatance for his children...that is to ask chuck to pretend to be a gay partner with him and married him will happen with the two guys who are actually straight guys...will chuck agree to what larry requested since he had pledged his life for him...will they relationship work and how the public in the show accepted this so-call homosexual couple...catch it is more than hillarious...

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