Friday, February 16, 2007

beginning of working

after one week of editorial shutdown period..finally was back to work…on the beginning of the week…yeah..i was back to work on jan 3..which is a wednesday….already got court cases on my hand…but actually i was rather glad to have assignment on hand because i am scare to stay in office…and even fear of doing follow ups…because this really need a lot of time…especially if your sources were not responding you…well…staying in office…some people think that it is good…because don’t need to work….so can have a relax working day…don’t know why…for me..i can’t..i must find something to do…if i can’t work it out…it is like some sort of pressure coming out from me…and sounds echoeing like ‘today you haven’t done anything’…so sometimes…i rather i got fix assignment to follow…so…that’s about it…well…getting back to work wasn’t a tough time…because reporting work is still my beloved job…so..i am excited when get back to work…apart from that…my beloved cousin had gone back to germany safely…however, caught a little bit of fever when return to germany…maybe because she caught a cold in malaysia’s airport because of the cold air cond…that’s all for now..till write again…

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