Friday, February 16, 2007

altantuya shariibu

haha…don’t know what method that the malaysian government had used to persuade the mongolian government that the case can delay until next year march…i was just wondering…why do the mongolian government or the embassy can tolerate for such a long time…well…although that day i was not there…but through my court friends and news in tv..i can say abdul razak was deifinitely look very stress out..and i pity him also….he was such a prominent person and yet was being accused of such allegations…therefore…i can understand the feelings of the wife…who acted so aggressively towards photo journalists…however, i don’t agree that the wife should put the blame on the photo journalists…because they are just doing their job as to snap pictures of the suspects as well as the victims…not that they like to snap his photos…but is because of work…while her daughter…i felt pityful for her because as a daugther of such an influential person…there must certain level of pressure…and now being a suspect…the daugther will feel more pressure than usual…so…in here…i would wish good luck to the family and let’s hope everything ends well….

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