Friday, February 16, 2007

no bail out for abdul razak baginda

actually i don’t know what to say about him…my feelings tell me that he is pityful but his comments in the star yesterday…really showed that he actually involved in the whole thing…however…this is only my thinking and opinion…the judge will still need to refer on the valid evidence and the arguments from the lawyers…although i feel pityful for the daugther and himself…but about the wife also the mother…i simply don’t sympatised her because of her unreasonable words thrown to media…although not the journalists but photo journalists…still she did not understand that taking pictures of her husband was just merely doing their job…not that they simply took the photos for fun or to embarass her husband…but just do according to their profession…but still..i wish him all the best and good luck for him…haizzzzzz

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