Friday, February 16, 2007

bloggers united

one of the mainstream media…NSTP…had filed a law suit against the famous bloggers…jeff ooi screenshots and another blogger namely ahiruddin’s rocky bru..for defamation….so..bloggers out there beware and be careful…especially those that carried critical posts and was visited by tonnes of readers…if your blog was not frequently visited by readers…i think it shouldn’t be a problem from being critical…however…if your blog is famous and readers actually depending on your blog to get the ‘true’ story out of the mainstream media…therefore…these bloggers(apart from ahiruddin and jeff ooi) must always be careful…because anytime…it can reach to you…once the government found your site has some kind of influential power…well..thinking back of the past…during tun mahathir’s administration…where he pledged that the government will not impose any censorship against the internet…in order to attract more foreign investments into the country…however, looks like this time…the government (although the party suing is the print media NSTP…but is a media company that owned by the government) will have to break their pledge becauase they found somehow…the bloggers got some power to influence people’s opinion… order to precent this to continue happen….NSTP actually filed a suit to charge against the bloggers…which is i think to indirectly warned the other bloggers who carried posts similar to them…so…let’s see who will win…haha…

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