Friday, February 16, 2007

batu talam by-election

since the opposition is boycotting the election…at least DAP and PAS were boycotting…given the reasons that the election had not been fair all this while and what more…election commission chairperson also admit that there is something wrong with the way EC had been working on…so..the opposition parties are now requesting for electoral reforms if not they will be going to boycott even in coming general elections knowing that they are not going to win with these unfair elections provisions….while the chairperson himself is trying to push the government to give a clear stand to EC so that EC can really be independent…and got the enforcement powers…so..meanwhile, let’s see if there is any surprises from the batu talam by-election..and will opposition parties will actually forego their opportunity to compete with the government based political parties…if there will be no electoral reform?well…great things are happening this year in the visit malaysia year…people

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