Wednesday, September 5, 2007

the invasion

this movie starring by nicole kidman and the james bond guy who played the casino royale version of james bond...daniel craig..this is a futuristic movie where human is no longer human...although people are in a human form but their mind, attitude, behaviour and personality is no longer human oriented...this form of human was said to have bring peace and harmony to people and there will be no war and quarel in the this human race...the story started with the saying that people were infected by certain kind of virus and these viruses turned out to be some kind of hormon that manage to break through human's neuron system where after they have infected these virus..they will fall asleep and after they have woke up..they will be a different kind of people...people without emotions...and what had made them least they claimed to be the story..nicole was a phychologist who owned a clinic and gain trust from her clients because of her professionalism...while daniel craig is a medical doctor who later also get order to survive...nicole bring his son who happened to be immuned with such kind of virus away from these columny of people who had infected with this virus that was brought by aliens...finally...they were able to survive with the help of doctors who are researching on these kind of virus and they manage to get the vaksin to cure the people is believed to have mix with nicolde's son who is immune with this virus...finally people are people again...actually this show is quite nice...although some people don't like nicole type of acting but somehow i think she is it in cinemas nationwide...

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