Thursday, September 20, 2007


another musical kind of movie...comedy and somehow also reflected some realistic values...i always love musical movies...overall...the chronology of the story was well organised...songs are nice...singers are great too...if only they get a better version of tracy...i believe this show can be more than a opinion...story started off as tracy is a secondary student who loves to watch corny williams show very much...she dreamt that one day she can act in this particular musical show....everyday...her life is somehow survive to watch this day...there comes the golden chance and help tracy to get the golden ticket to be part of the corny musical show...meanwhile...corny fanous stars...amber and link are the key singers....tracy attended the audition where corny show had opened it for people who are interested to dance in the show...amber and her mother vema appeared to be very unhappy with tracy and chase her away out of the audition...however....her singing skills and dancing talent was discovered by the key singer link...and he wished that tracy can be part of the show because of her dancing skills...and link told tracy to attend a dance where the dancefloor were people who performed in musical shows...and link believed that with tracy's dancing skills at the dancefloor will help her being discovered...finally...tracy was part of the corny show and become a famous star in the same time...there is another musical show that is facing the faith of being scraped...which is the black's show...where this show was to provide chance for black people who can sing and dance to perform in this show...and for the black was facing the faith of being scraped from the station...therefore...tracy come out with an idea that the black performers should join the corny show and dance together...voicing the message of integrated television....where all races can perform together for their audience....and finally the integrated musical show appeared to have earn great ratings...catch this show if you enjoy watching dancing and singing...hehe

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