Wednesday, September 26, 2007

knocked up

went for this movie coincidently, the next day is the moocake festival and also known as mid autumn festival...well...actually i have planned to watch it long time it is a pretty simple story and with a pretty organised chronology of the storyline...both of the actor and actress were new celebrities to me...because i have never come across them until this movie...the movie started off with ben who is jobless and just know how to use drugs to keep himself alive and was building up a so-called website where people get the chance to see famous stars go on nude...while alison a crew member working in a tv station who had a bright future in the tv industry...and soon she is promoted as a VJ for a tv show which will lead to further promotions though..basically we can see these two characters will not bump into each other lives as their lifestyles are totally different...but here it is...ben and alison met up when alison and her sister debbie went for a bar for drink and dance...ben spotted alison and as they chat...they then spent a night together (you know what i mean)....sooner alison found out that she was pregnant after spending the night with ben...not knowing what to do...her sister debbie..suggested alison to make known this occurrence to ben and come out with a usual...ben was pretty shocked as he did not know this night will cause him responsiblity to bare...for him who lived in US job...and no sense of future direction...he had absolutely zero knowledge on what he is supposed to do as alison had pregnant with his kid...alison and ben try to get along...ben try to be a responsible father and also probably a husband...but always appeared to be not good enough for alison...will they get together because of the child?will they fall in love at the end?will ben be able to satisfy the needs of alison...check it out at cinema nationwide...

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