Wednesday, May 9, 2007

journalism training programme one year anniversary

i always read my emails everyday and always wish to keep in touch with everyone that have come across my an outgoing usual i like to meet different kind of people...and due to my outgoing personality...i participated the journalism training programme organised by SEACEM last year...and due to my outspoken character...i was selected into an internship programme and become a journalist for one year...and time internship had just over one week ago...of course during the training...i met plenty of people who have got different background...and i know them well...they are all nice people...but just don't know why...these few days got their emails asking about each is everyone doing...etc...surprisingly i was relunctant to reply them...just don't know why got this kind of this bad or i running from something...or rather i was embarassed to tell them that i did not survive in mkini...seriously...i really miss reporting very much...when talking to reporters friends in msn who are in duty of reporting for parliament session...really envy them and can't believe that my reporting job...just over like that...well...never mind lah...just give more effort in this researcher job..hopefully i can go overseas and work....haha...everyday will be a better day...i believe so...


admin said... is a new website for young, college and early-career journalists. It contains internship listings, job leads, fellowships, freelance opportunities and more.

Please check out the site, tell others about it and consider adding a link to your website. Thanks.

angel of music said...

thanks mark for the information, will always keep an eye on their activities.
