Monday, May 21, 2007

new job

i am now working as a research assistant now after i have ended my one-year working journey as a journalist in malaysiakini...i am now attached to a professor from finland to work on a project namely cultural diversity in malaysia....the survey locations that had been chosen to fulfill the research method were kuala selangor and teluk intan...i have just came back from kuala selangor where theere were 70 questionnaires were finished...well...seriously...i did not really enjoy this job...because it was not really what i have expected...and i really miss reporting....i miss wearing professional wear...i miss meeting big shots....i miss interviewing people...oh...i really miss all these...while my job now...although get the chance to meet people and ask them questions and sounds professional but dealing with the professor is really not a good task...somehow like quite feared of him...the feeling is just like it is more than boss and worker...that make me feel uncomefortable...before working in this line...i have thought of asking him to help me on the process of studying master in his university...but now i have decided not to do so because i think is better for me to try myself on my own to get a place in any unis...for my master...i hope that these six months job will end smoothly and i shall continue looking for journalist job opportunities...that's all for now...until then i shall blog again...tomorrow heading to teluk intan...all the best for me...everyone...

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