Tuesday, August 14, 2007

rush hour 3

again...chris tucker is the joker while jackie remain the serious hong kong detective who is now the bodyguard of the ambassador...this time...the target of this episode of rush hour remained on the ambassador and his daughter...suu young...we used to see soo young in the first episode was still a little girl..but here...she had already grown up to become a young lady...good in martial arts too....while...what is the purpose of chris tucket's presence?for fun?making the storyline more interesting?haha..he actually had quite a crucial role though...who is the one who actually save suu young...and found out who is behind this big plan of get rid of the ambassador and his daughter...and in this episode..chris seems to learn quite a lot of knowledge about chinese and chinese culture...his chinese martial arts seems to have improved a lot...while jackie..known as lee in the movie...did not play much of martial arts though due to his age but still the chronology of the show is not bad...nice, simple and interesting...well..but not in terms of martial arts...although we used to see much stunt in jackie's movie...but this time...the stunts in this episode can be said to be lesser than the episodes before...but i can say the storyline managed to cover it though...for me...the movie in overall is quite nice...not bad though...so catch it before it is too late...guys!!!!

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