Tuesday, November 6, 2007

datuk ramli named himself

two weeks ago anti corruption agency head ahmad said had given clues to the public though the media where there will be something big occured by the following week...and guessed what...aca is going to press charges to one of the high ranking police officer allegedly to have owned money beyond the finance of his salary...some english dailies had reported the news by naming the involvement of a high ranking police officer but had never revealed its identity...but out of the sudden...datuk ramli who is Commercial Crimes Investigation Department director had suddenly stood out and announced that he is the high ranking officer who was alleged to have possed money of 25 million which was beyond the earning of his post as the department director...not only he had admitted but he had also accused that aca was being unfair to him..that is they have released the information to the media that he had been charged for the charges...although the papers didn't name him...seriously...i just don't know what is the purpose for him to do so...is it some kind of sacrification for the coming general election which it showed that the government is really doing something to combat corruption?is datuk ramli's move under the direction of the executive?what is the real motive behind it?seriously i don't think it is that neutral that it is just about admitting the charges and faced it...it will not be that simple...

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