Saturday, April 28, 2007

an inconvenient truth

well...well...well...i used to start off my blog using this tune...i find myself be able to blog again where i will not be afraid that in future there is someone said that some information shouldn't be revealed and some arguments that might be offended ex-collegue of mine...used to reprimand me for using (...)well..who cares now...i will use whatever i feel like title of this inconvenient truth...why it sounded like a pseudonym..or rather reflected something bad behind this words....actually my purpose of putting this title was that...this is the last assignment that was being assigned to me for the last day of was a rentakini assignment where i need to watch the movie and write about it...this movie was a movie about global warming...where it was produced using a seminar format as well as some flashbacks from the main character himself...although it was quite boring throughout the show but if only you can bare with it and you are a knowledge lover..i bet you should enjoy this movie because this movie is about information...what happening in the world...why is it happening...and why should people care about it...yeah..before forgeting to compliment TGV KLCC...seriously their size of popcorn was rather big and the popcorn was amazing..i mean it tastes amazing...i think it could be more expensive then the GSC mid valley...but was really nice...well..that's all for now...until then...i shall write again...

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