Saturday, February 24, 2007

music and lyrics...

my relative who pay a visit to my family recently during chinese new year....said that the movie star by hugh grant and drew barrymoore which is music and lyrics is a much better movie compared with the holiday which is star by kate winslet and cameron diaz...while for me...i don't think so...because i find the holiday is much better because is much different than a normal romance movie in which it talk about more than love...while music and lyrics...i find that is quite common compared to the holiday...therefore...sometimes i think...when you watch shouldn't be comparing because each movie got its own might not be fair to compare movies although they might have some similiar elements carried by both the the way...about music and lyrics...hugh grant is a singer from a band group but the band was later dismiss and therefore...hugh grant had no platform to hold concerts...i mean big grant is trying to revive himself as a famous star after the band was dismiss...therefore...he invited drew barrymoore who is his housekeeper to become his lyrics writer because he found out that this lady is very talented in making words and sentences they had progressed to write the song...both of them then fall for each other...and...if you guys interested..can go for this movie...and it was a happy ending...haha

Monday, February 19, 2007

happy chinese new year

happy chinese new year...everyone...sorry for the late greetings if anyone is reading this new blog of mine....well...first day on chinese new relative from bentong pay us a visit...and she was chatting with my family about the job market out there...what are the attitude of today's they behave themselves....uhhhhh...boring stuff....however...i still manage to find out something from this family...that is 'music and lyrics' is very nice and a wrong choice to pick this movie too...because i love yesterday...we plan to go for movie..'the lady iron chef' and 'twins mission'...who knows the tickets are all sold off and the worst thing is....on the timing board for movies....they did not put that the movie seats were sold off...but still remained available status....this is misleading....don't you guys agreed?so...we actually end up going for shopping...nevetheless...i did not buy anything...haha...well...just treat it as window shopping...

Saturday, February 17, 2007

blood diamond

long time ago would like to blog about this movie but somehow....just don't have the time to do so because one word LAZY to tell the story...however i have make up my mind to talk about this movie although it is quite late but still would like to tell you guys out there about it...this movie was stared by leonardo dicaprio who played the role as a diamond smuglar who often transported illegal diamonds from africa countries to the united states...nevertheless he had decided not to continue on this profession and had helped one of the victim...who is also one of the main character (sorry i forgotten his name), a black guy who had found a 'pink' diamond...was later assisted by leonardo to escape from a slavery life of searching diamond...while another character that is vital for us to know is a journalist played by jennifer conelly...who aimed to report the truth of what is exactly happening in this poor gazetted area where people were dying to search for the diamonds while there were people who treat these diamonds as their luxury items....although i was not quite satisfied with the ending of the movie however..i did learn something that is things we owned might have caused someone lives' for it....

Friday, February 16, 2007

the epoch times

i was on the way to work and i get a free copy of newspaper namely ‘the epoch times’…i wonder where this newspaper come from whether it is a foreign newspaper that based in malaysia or a local newspaper that was funded by foreign countries…about this…i have no idea, as i flipped through the pages which are only four pages…yeah…forgotten everyone…this paper is in tabloid size…so it somehow make it convenient for you to hold…the articles included one from malaysia…one from korea….one from the US..and one from China…basically the articles are more on feature type rather than news…and there are cultural kind of feature article as well…basically…the paper is quite good in which quite compact with information…although the paper is in tabloid size…by the way….for those who would like to subscribe…the subscription fee is RM12 for 10 issues and please send your subscription fee to P.O. Box 225, 41670 Klang, Selangor, Malaysia or fax to (603) 92831722…for cheque or money order…made payable to Epoch Times Publishing….well..i will be making a subscription….wanna join me?hahahahaha

the holiday

this movie is nice and cool….that you guys don’t really want to miss it…it is a must watch movie if you are in a relationship because it is seriously romantic….sure you and your partner will have a good time…what i mean good time is you can get some tips how to be more romantic with your partner as you watch this movie…hahaha…this movie stars by cameron all-time favourite celebrity…and kate winslet…the romantic titanic female main character….each of them met their mr right when they are on an ‘exchange house’ programme when cameron and kate exchange their living places just to get rid from their normal live…who knows their mr right were just there waiting for them…how sweet….catch it before it is too late…that’s all for now…remember to watch it….haha

mystical steppes

the title above is not in wrong spelling but is the original name of the show…this is a drama held at kuala lumpur convention centre, plenary hall in which it talk about the olden days of xijiang…where it narrated about how people lived and what they do during their daily lives in the olden days…the hosts were angeline tan…an actress of tri-lingual…another one is a host from xijiang…namely..if i am not mistaken..probably be mahmud…i thought he is a malay and could be speaking in english…who knows…he surprised me with a fluent speaking of mandarin!!!!!!…wow…really marvellous…well…throughout the show…i did enjoy myself because of a special someone who accompanied to watch the whole show…the dancers were gorgeous and their costumes were amazing…seriously…i really enjoy the show and have a good time there…

bloggers united

one of the mainstream media…NSTP…had filed a law suit against the famous bloggers…jeff ooi screenshots and another blogger namely ahiruddin’s rocky bru..for defamation….so..bloggers out there beware and be careful…especially those that carried critical posts and was visited by tonnes of readers…if your blog was not frequently visited by readers…i think it shouldn’t be a problem from being critical…however…if your blog is famous and readers actually depending on your blog to get the ‘true’ story out of the mainstream media…therefore…these bloggers(apart from ahiruddin and jeff ooi) must always be careful…because anytime…it can reach to you…once the government found your site has some kind of influential power…well..thinking back of the past…during tun mahathir’s administration…where he pledged that the government will not impose any censorship against the internet…in order to attract more foreign investments into the country…however, looks like this time…the government (although the party suing is the print media NSTP…but is a media company that owned by the government) will have to break their pledge becauase they found somehow…the bloggers got some power to influence people’s opinion… order to precent this to continue happen….NSTP actually filed a suit to charge against the bloggers…which is i think to indirectly warned the other bloggers who carried posts similar to them…so…let’s see who will win…haha…

no bail out for abdul razak baginda

actually i don’t know what to say about him…my feelings tell me that he is pityful but his comments in the star yesterday…really showed that he actually involved in the whole thing…however…this is only my thinking and opinion…the judge will still need to refer on the valid evidence and the arguments from the lawyers…although i feel pityful for the daugther and himself…but about the wife also the mother…i simply don’t sympatised her because of her unreasonable words thrown to media…although not the journalists but photo journalists…still she did not understand that taking pictures of her husband was just merely doing their job…not that they simply took the photos for fun or to embarass her husband…but just do according to their profession…but still..i wish him all the best and good luck for him…haizzzzzz

batu talam by-election

since the opposition is boycotting the election…at least DAP and PAS were boycotting…given the reasons that the election had not been fair all this while and what more…election commission chairperson also admit that there is something wrong with the way EC had been working on…so..the opposition parties are now requesting for electoral reforms if not they will be going to boycott even in coming general elections knowing that they are not going to win with these unfair elections provisions….while the chairperson himself is trying to push the government to give a clear stand to EC so that EC can really be independent…and got the enforcement powers…so..meanwhile, let’s see if there is any surprises from the batu talam by-election..and will opposition parties will actually forego their opportunity to compete with the government based political parties…if there will be no electoral reform?well…great things are happening this year in the visit malaysia year…people

beginning of working

after one week of editorial shutdown period..finally was back to work…on the beginning of the week…yeah..i was back to work on jan 3..which is a wednesday….already got court cases on my hand…but actually i was rather glad to have assignment on hand because i am scare to stay in office…and even fear of doing follow ups…because this really need a lot of time…especially if your sources were not responding you…well…staying in office…some people think that it is good…because don’t need to work….so can have a relax working day…don’t know why…for me..i can’t..i must find something to do…if i can’t work it out…it is like some sort of pressure coming out from me…and sounds echoeing like ‘today you haven’t done anything’…so sometimes…i rather i got fix assignment to follow…so…that’s about it…well…getting back to work wasn’t a tough time…because reporting work is still my beloved job…so..i am excited when get back to work…apart from that…my beloved cousin had gone back to germany safely…however, caught a little bit of fever when return to germany…maybe because she caught a cold in malaysia’s airport because of the cold air cond…that’s all for now..till write again…

altantuya shariibu

haha…don’t know what method that the malaysian government had used to persuade the mongolian government that the case can delay until next year march…i was just wondering…why do the mongolian government or the embassy can tolerate for such a long time…well…although that day i was not there…but through my court friends and news in tv..i can say abdul razak was deifinitely look very stress out..and i pity him also….he was such a prominent person and yet was being accused of such allegations…therefore…i can understand the feelings of the wife…who acted so aggressively towards photo journalists…however, i don’t agree that the wife should put the blame on the photo journalists…because they are just doing their job as to snap pictures of the suspects as well as the victims…not that they like to snap his photos…but is because of work…while her daughter…i felt pityful for her because as a daugther of such an influential person…there must certain level of pressure…and now being a suspect…the daugther will feel more pressure than usual…so…in here…i would wish good luck to the family and let’s hope everything ends well….

the guardian

an amazing movie of saviour for human beings that i have ever watched…and i supposed…at least in my eyes…i think it ended well…the story is about united states coast guards were always the one out there during sea disasters…floods…etc….to try their very best to save innocent people who were victims of those disasters…they fought it bravely…with their theme ‘live to save others’ in continuing on saving lives…a very dedicated coast guard…ben..played by kevin costner…who had save numerous amount of people but failed to save 22 persons in his career as coast guard for more than 20 years…decided to change his job because he failed to save his best friend cum team mate..hence..he thinks himself was no longer fit to be a coast guard anymore….however, he do help to train up someone like him who is called fisher…a young and egoistic young swimmer…and fisher become one of the best and dedicated coast guard after being advised and trained by ben as a professional coast guard…
