Wednesday, May 30, 2007

teluk intan should be brought to media spotlight

finally..i have finished travelling to kuala selangor and teluk intan..well..the trip to teluk intan was quite least it is better than the one at kuala selangor..i have brought many stuffs from teluk intan..and the most memorable experience is i visited the 'pisa' tower is better known as the leaning tower of malaysia...although there is nothing special about the city..i can say it is a city because all the shops were satuated nearby and the people there..the majority of people there is chinese and they are extremely hospitable and is so much different from the chinese in kuala lumpur...they can just be as friendly like you are friends of them for more than 20 years but in fact you just get to know them yesterday...seriously..teluk intan is a lovely city..the stuffs there were is nice and cheap some more..i was shopping like mad there...but there is one thing to my surprise...this kind of hospitable and friendly attitude adopted by the people here did not even highlight by the media...whereas this year of 2007 is a visit malaysia year..this such a great city..i don't understand that why the tourism board did not pay attention to?and i can't imagine as teluk intan is a beautiful place but it was not promoted as one of the tourist attraction places..i just don't get it..i am sure if teluk intan was brought to the media spotlight...for sure foreigners will want to see another version of pisa tower and they will be amazed by the warmness of the residents here and of course they will visit malaysia again..isn't it a good opportunity for the country to boost the tourism industry by exposing teluk intan to the foreigners?well..i just don't get had been a wonderful trip for me..haha

Monday, May 21, 2007

new job

i am now working as a research assistant now after i have ended my one-year working journey as a journalist in malaysiakini...i am now attached to a professor from finland to work on a project namely cultural diversity in malaysia....the survey locations that had been chosen to fulfill the research method were kuala selangor and teluk intan...i have just came back from kuala selangor where theere were 70 questionnaires were finished...well...seriously...i did not really enjoy this job...because it was not really what i have expected...and i really miss reporting....i miss wearing professional wear...i miss meeting big shots....i miss interviewing people...oh...i really miss all these...while my job now...although get the chance to meet people and ask them questions and sounds professional but dealing with the professor is really not a good task...somehow like quite feared of him...the feeling is just like it is more than boss and worker...that make me feel uncomefortable...before working in this line...i have thought of asking him to help me on the process of studying master in his university...but now i have decided not to do so because i think is better for me to try myself on my own to get a place in any unis...for my master...i hope that these six months job will end smoothly and i shall continue looking for journalist job opportunities...that's all for now...until then i shall blog again...tomorrow heading to teluk intan...all the best for me...everyone...

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

journalism training programme one year anniversary

i always read my emails everyday and always wish to keep in touch with everyone that have come across my an outgoing usual i like to meet different kind of people...and due to my outgoing personality...i participated the journalism training programme organised by SEACEM last year...and due to my outspoken character...i was selected into an internship programme and become a journalist for one year...and time internship had just over one week ago...of course during the training...i met plenty of people who have got different background...and i know them well...they are all nice people...but just don't know why...these few days got their emails asking about each is everyone doing...etc...surprisingly i was relunctant to reply them...just don't know why got this kind of this bad or i running from something...or rather i was embarassed to tell them that i did not survive in mkini...seriously...i really miss reporting very much...when talking to reporters friends in msn who are in duty of reporting for parliament session...really envy them and can't believe that my reporting job...just over like that...well...never mind lah...just give more effort in this researcher job..hopefully i can go overseas and work....haha...everyday will be a better day...i believe so...

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

spiderman 3

haha...finally i have the time to blog about movies again, although this site is kind of private for me..haha..because i did not publicise it or tell anybody about assume it is private...erm..yeah...spiderman doubt it is a good movie...a two and a half hour show did not waste your effort of sitting in the cinema to do nothing but to watch the show...i can say this movie is a worth to watch movie and overall i shall grade this movie as terms of action pack...romance...production of the movie...structure of the was well-organised...the story line began with the flash back of part one and two of spiderman and how it develop until the part three of the story....peter parker who is now the hero of the city...the public's favourite saviour and peter will be getting married with his belived girl short MJ...MJ was a broadway singer but due to some negative reports on her first performance in broadway...for not performing well...she was fired and at the same time..peter was influenced by some kind of genetic element which is black in colour...something that crawl...and peter was influence by the genetic which later turned him into violent and resulted his character change...however...everything will be fine until the end of the story..want to know the climax?...catch it now at cinemas nationwide....