Tuesday, November 20, 2007

lions for lambs

i have now get to know why this movie...lions for lambs get high profile actress and actors to play their roles in the movie....proud to say they were academy award winners...meryl steep, tom cruise and robert redford as he is also the director of the movie...these stars are selected was understood by me is to strengthen persuasion among the general public...as there were different parties playing different roles...tom as mayor irving...is responsible in US's effort of their project of war on terrorism...irving was trying to justify the reason and excuse on why there is a need for US to fulfill and finish the war against terror...while meryl is playing the role of a senior journalist known as janin...who was writing mostly about irving...about US's effort in the war against terror...how janin had portrayed the news to the public of what exactly did US is doing to promote democracy in countries like ahghanistan and iraq...lastly...robert...he is peofessor who is teaching in a university....he had gone through the vietnam war...he had his views in the war against terror...on how he educate his students...on what is really the real picture that is happening to the world...here comes the synopsis...the story begins with the meeting between irving and janin where irving is giving janin an exclusive interview as a credit of what she had wrote previously about himself...as the interview session goes on...there is another operation was carrying out where soldiers were travelling to a place in order to take down the insurgents in ahghanistan...while another scene is robert counselling his student about his attitude of not attending classes...well...wanna know more about american politics...check out the movie at cinema nationawide,...

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

abolish one sen coin?

suddenly the domestic trade and consumer affairs ministry announced that the country will standardised the usage of one sen coin...saying that it will help the government to save a lot of money in producing one sen coin in the long run...by standardising it....but to me....i was thinking that the government is trying to earn money from the public...in another way...apart from paying taxes to them...by trading business...to earn our hard earned money...to me...we as consumers are always in the loosing party because we are the people who need to eat and live...by implementing this system which is to reduce the usage of one sen...i can't see any benefits to us as the public...here is the standardisation...one and two sens...don't need to pay...while three, four, six and seven sens will be counted as five sens....lastly eight and nine sens will be counted as ten sens...it make it sounds like fair and we as consumers sounds benefited....but who really know the situation?some of the supermarts..they will not borther to return one sen coins to consumers...assuming that the consumers do not want it...therefore...by implementing this standardisation...isn't it also much more encouraged the traders to monopoly the business...to me...this rounding up mechanism did not benefit the public at all....

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

datuk ramli named himself

two weeks ago anti corruption agency head ahmad said had given clues to the public though the media where there will be something big occured by the following week...and guessed what...aca is going to press charges to one of the high ranking police officer allegedly to have owned money beyond the finance of his salary...some english dailies had reported the news by naming the involvement of a high ranking police officer but had never revealed its identity...but out of the sudden...datuk ramli who is Commercial Crimes Investigation Department director had suddenly stood out and announced that he is the high ranking officer who was alleged to have possed money of 25 million which was beyond the earning of his post as the department director...not only he had admitted but he had also accused that aca was being unfair to him..that is they have released the information to the media that he had been charged for the charges...although the papers didn't name him...seriously...i just don't know what is the purpose for him to do so...is it some kind of sacrification for the coming general election which it showed that the government is really doing something to combat corruption?is datuk ramli's move under the direction of the executive?what is the real motive behind it?seriously i don't think it is that neutral that it is just about admitting the charges and faced it...it will not be that simple...

umno general assembly

well...it can be said as a one year aftermath of terrified umno general assembly where last year it had given much fear to the society of non-malays when hishammudin hussein suddenly raised up the malay keris which to non-malays it symbolised power and the emphasis of the special rights of malay people...as well as making controversial remarks which had reflected their eagerness of maintaining their status and special rights...hence...this year which is highly possible that the general election is going to be held by end of this year or early next year..our prime minister and deputy prime minister had kept reminding the delegates to control their emotions and be extra alert and aware of the real situation while they are making remarks during the general assembly...and the prime minister had strongly advise that racist remarks are to be prohibited and one factor that had contributed to last year lost of control of the going assembly was because of the live telecast that had been provided by astro which had caused serious disturbance to the people...therefore there will be no more live telecast provided by any of the tv stations...the deputy prime minister had also urged delegates to discuss topics that were related to all the people and not only about race or other things else...looks like this year will be a safe general assembly i suppose?as what the pm and dpm had voiced out their concerns over the general assembly..but still...let's see whether there will be some climax towards the end of the assembly because we will never know....


it had been a few weeks since i have started working outside (previously was working from home) which is at sin chew media corporation...although it is just about office works...but i did learn a lot...in terms of photos selection...information management....and others...my reporter friends who is working just one floor above myself who is at downstair...appeared to be quite shocked when they saw me working in the resource centre dept...as i was working with malaysiakini previously...back to my work...apart from the things that i have been doing daily...i also got the chance of doling traditional stuffs (which is not about using computer) like cutting and pasting pictures on paper..due to the fact that i have not been doing this kind of stuff for a long time which is ever since my primary school time...i had cut my finger while i was cutting paper...thank goodness my collegues were around...and they have helped me out with my poor little finger...in here..i would like to take a chance to express my gratitude to my boss who is my supervisor who had take care of me ever since i joined them...thanks for the guidance and care that you have given me...even though there is something keep borthering but it is good enough that everyone are nice...

good bye uncle lim

it had been a week after one of malaysia's famour businessman passed away...dr lim gok tong...the creator of genting highlands...who had provided a fun and enjoyable place for the people in malaysia...not only malaysians made their frequent visits to genting but also attracted a lot of tourists to come by this place...for me...this place is as though equivalent to the disneyland....last week...dr lim had passed away peacefully and left millions to his family...as he was once a poor guy who started his business from zero...he had always considered for the poor..he helped people thoughout the world when he had earned much money..as a successful businessman who had started from zero...he understood the difficulty of not having enough money...hence he had always helped those who had got financial problem...however..as he had always being generous but he never publicised his generosity...and yet there are people throughout the world that had come to his funeral to pay their last respect...people that he had given lives to them...gave them hope to survive and live...i believed he had save thousands of people...once again...thanks for the kindness and generosity that you have contributed to malaysia as well as people outside malaysia...you will always be in our heart...out dear dr lim...farewell....

Thursday, November 1, 2007


haha...i am blogging about movie again...well..another fairy tale movie had released in the cinema...stardust...the name it called is special and give people a a feeling of something unexpected....seriously it is kind of unexpected...in terms of role play...characteristics of all the roles...the storyline...throughout the whole show...it just keeping the suspense...like everytime there is a climax...in the movie...the story began where tristan's father(the main character is tristan who is the son) stayed in a rural area namely wall...it was situated in england, london...where this small village stays...here is the amazing part...not far away from the wall...there is a border which is built in stones...where the other side of the stone wall was said to be a path that is connected to the other world where there is a country called stromhold...in stromhold...magical spells can be used and existence of witch and warlords are always there...tristan's father had always wanted to cross the border to find out whether what is at the other side....whether it is the path that can bring him to the other world...and so he had successfully crossed over the border and truly what was being said about was true...and there he met una..tristan's mother...she is a princess of stromhold but was kidnapped by a witch and was cast a spell where una can never leave her unless she is dead...una and tristan's father fall in love and una give birth to tristan...the future king of stromhold...when tristan grew up...he was at first fall in love with a girl namely victoria who lived in the county...but finally he had found his true love who is the shining star..yvainne...the star that had fallen together with the ruby stone where the ruby stone was fallen after a death of a king of stromhold...and whoever will be the future king of stromhold shall light the ruby stone...basically this is the synopsis of the movie...the climax and suspense i can't described to you guys cause only you guys watched it then only you will feel it...so catch the movie at cinema nationawide...you will have a lot of adventures while watching the show...haha