Wednesday, July 25, 2007

harry potter and the order of phoenix

although quite a lot of people seems to condemn this episode of harry potter, claimed that there is noa ction pack, too much talking throughout the movie...well..for me, i think this episode is quite reasonable with all the talkings because this it the time where the scenario need to be why harry's parents were dead...the darklord is returning to harm the world...etc..i think all these scenarios need to be explained..and that is why this episode is full of talkings in order to explain things....apart from my opinion...this episode is to neutralise the next episode because i believe the next episode will be full of fighting scenes and perhaps don't even have time to explain things that are happening...overall...i think this movie is reasonable and quite good in that explained things...not just by action...well...the show started off by harry was attacked by some kind of demons...there is a name for it...but i forgotten...and due to the spell that harry used to chase away the demons and kill them...he was said to have commit an offence which is using magic that is not suitable to his age...hence a hearing was held on harry's case...finally the court had decided that harry will be dismissed from his charges...later it is about the management of hogwart school where professor dumbledore was demanded to stay away from the administrations of the school..where the ministry of magic will take the administration power to educate the students in a 'proper way'...therefore..the administration was taken over by the secretary of the ministry..known as umbridge and set all kinds of rules to prohibit the students from using their magical the same time...the ministry also denied the return of the darklord and refused to allow the students of hogwart school to practice their magic spells in order to know how to fight against the darklord....while harry finally find out a secret door where he found his prophecy in future where he will create history in the between the story goes...there is some romance between harry and cho...his's wait for the final episode...

Friday, July 20, 2007


This show starring Luke Wilson and Kate Beckinsale who planned to divorce due to the failure of satisfying each other, however this time they will have to cooperate in order to survive for their lives.

David (Luke) was driving in the middle of the night going home which is in town, due to the heavy traffic in the highways linking the states; David decided to take a short cut to avoid the jam.

On the way, Amy (Kate) was slept while David was driving, when she was awaked, she found herself out of no where and David’s car was broke down.

They then tried to fix the car and hopefully get back to the right track and reach home safely, however the good faith is not with them.

Wondering whether it is lucky or not, they found someone who had a garage and hoping that there is a mechanic that can help them to fix the car, the mechanic who turned out later to be one of killer.

Since David and Amy were exhausted, David made up his mind to spend a night in a motel nearby the garage which later caused their lives for it.

Throughout the night, they were being disturbed and later they found out murders were carried out in the motel through a series of tapes where David found it near the tape recorder.

They tried to get help in several ways and several times however they failed and they realized what they can do now is to survive till day break and probably can get some help when dawn comes.

In this situation, although Amy and David have indifferences between themselves but still when come to emergency and lives surviving, humans will still stick together to figure out the way to survive.

At the end of the show, although the chronology of the show was quite frightening but still this experience had actually hold back the ties of this couple, this is to my interpretation of the show, different people might have different interpretation.

In whole, the show cannot be denied that it is terribly frightening but still the level of fear was still manageable.

Nevertheless, the show seems to be like a budget-oriented move but there were write-ups said that the scene and the arrangement of characters were specially designed and created.

Friday, July 6, 2007

die hard four

Die hard four is an action-pack movie, as usual, there is always a hero when it comes to this kind of movie, seriously, for myself, I think it is a bit faked, not about bruce wills acting but is the antogonist character...Bruce wills who played john mclaine, is a senior detective, got his life ruined, marriage unsuccessful and the daughter refused to listen to him, to him..this is the life of a police...The story started with john got an order from his superior asking him to travel to Corden and arrest a computer hacker known as mathew farell, who is involved in a computer programme process.But one thing, mathew was unaware is, the programme he wrote was used to plan a horrible cyber terror attack and mathew is going to loose his life for just some kind of ‘fun’ that he wanted.The planner of the cyber terror attack was launched by one of the computer expert who previously served the United Stated defense ministry who known as thomas gabriel.At the same time, thomas was also making used of several computer hackers to help him in succeeding on slamming the federal government’s network.Meanwhile, john was told to bring mathew to the FBI’s office in order to get him testified and find out what is supposed to happen...however, the FBI head, known as bowman did not utilise this information.Knowing the situation, john then bring together with mathew trying to search for solutions in order to end this cyber crisis.Without forgetting..of course on john’s way started from the arrest of mathew...he faced much attacks and challenges that posed to him by thomas as well as to claim mathew’s life.Realising that bowman did not seek the advice from mathew..and also as thomas had kidnaped his daughter hence..john decided to go on action himself and for thomas, john had claimed john that he had made the matter as personal.Well..of course..all hero and heroine movies will end up successfully saving the world and the do john...he had successfully resolved the crisis.Nevertheless, I did feel that the movie somehow portrayed bruce as an unbeatable cop where he is always on the winning matter how many antogonist character tried to bring him down, they will just failed.Until then, shall blog again..